Watch MIT Better World (Sustainability) Event Videos


At MIT Better World (Sustainability) on March 16, 2021, MIT alumni and friends gathered online to hear insights from Institute leaders, faculty, alumni, and students who are working on climate change solutions at MIT.

Watch the full event playlist or a specific session:

Toward a Sustainable Future Main Session and Q&A
MIT Better World (Sustainability) Main Session and Q&A

Accelerating the Energy Transition through Education
MIT Energy Initiative Breakout Session

Beyond Energy: Exploring Carbon Mitigation Opportunities
MIT School of Engineering Breakout Session

Choose Your Own Climate Future
MIT Sloan School of Management Breakout Session

Degrading Pernicious Plastics and Predicting Using Past Climates
MIT School of Science Breakout Session

Join the Global Alumni Network Building a Sustainable Future
MIT Alumni Energy, Environment and Sustainability Network (EESN) Breakout Session

MIT Mobility Initiative
MIT School of Architecture and Planning Breakout Session

Solving for Sustainability at the Nexus of Water, Food, and Climate Change
Abdul Latif Jameel Water and Food Systems Lab (J-WAFS) Breakout Session

Sustainable Thinking in Society
MIT Environmental Solutions Initiative (ESI) Breakout Session

Using Scientific Evidence to Combat Climate Change and Poverty
MIT School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Breakout Session

Welcome to MIT Better World (Sustainability)
MIT Better World (Sustainability) Main Session Segment

Martin A. Schmidt SM ’83, PhD ’88
MIT Better World (Sustainability) Main Session Segment

Asegun Henry SM ’06, PhD ’09
MIT Better World (Sustainability) Main Session Segment

Annauk Denise Olin
MIT Better World (Sustainability) Main Session Segment

Maria Zuber
MIT Better World (Sustainability) Main Session Segment

Toward a Sustainable Future Q&A
MIT Better World (Sustainability) Main Session Segment

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